dimecres, de maig 16, 2007

Aprovada l'oficialitat de la Comunitat Catalana d'Ubuntu

Escriu en Rafael Carreras del Ubuntu Catalan LoCo:

Fa un moment, el Community Council ha votat l'oficialitat del nostre LoCo. A partir d'ara serem oficials, ens reconeixen la nostra bona feina i això ens dóna dret a rebre uns pocs CD d'Ubuntu per a poder repartir als actes que anem fent.

Felicitats a tothom.

La nostra sol·licitud d'aprovació es considerarà un estàndard, els ha agradat molt. Som el primer LoCo lingüístic (del món mundial), un exemple a seguir per altres LoCos lingüístics a qui haurem d'ajudar a créixer.

Ara hauré de fer un informe per a l'Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, ens ho ha demanat el Mark Shuttleworth en persona.

i un altre post diu:

Congratulations to the Catalan Ubuntu LoCo team

On this happy day, there's some big news coming from the Ubuntu Catalan Community. Today's Community Council meeting approved the Catalan LoCo team, with lots of praise from the council members.

 this is a fantastic application
the ultimate sign of a great team is that makes people want to
move to their community to participate, +1 from me :)
this team is setting a standard for approval applications

Ubuntaires, my apologies for not being able to attend the meeting to offer my support. It clearly wasn't needed at all, though, thanks to the amazing work you're been doing during the last months. What I like most about the Catalan LoCo is that it's the first culture-based team, as opposed to the traditional model of state, country or territory LoCo's. Quoting the wiki,

[The] Ubuntu Catalan User community gathers Catalan-speaking users of Ubuntu in all its varieties. The scope of the Catalan LoCo Team is mainly the Catalan Countries, that is, the territories where Catalan is traditionally spoken, where members and volunteers are spread practically all over their geography.

FELICITATS i Endavant amb la Revolució Linux.

Més info sobre Ubuntu: VilawebTV